• Dating After Abuse: The Tools I've Needed for Success. Trust isn’t given, it is built. You deserve safety and control.

    Dating After Abuse: The Tools I’ve Needed for Success

    This is written with the assumption that you have already taken time to take the first steps to improve your self-esteem, nurture a sense of identity, reclaim your voice and power, reduce triggers, cultivate a support system, mend self-compassion, develop self-care, etc. Don’t be tempted to search for love until you have taken time to…

  • The greatest gift of journaling is recognition. No matter what type of journaling you do, the advantage of putting it on paper is a new point of view.

    Benefits of Journaling

    On Monday, I said that journaling is not really about your words. In that context, I meant that word choice is not important to your journal. You can say anything you want, any way that you want. In today’s context, I mean that journaling is really about releasing hurt pieces of yourself and gaining beneficial…

  • Self-love is about identity and confidence. Self-compassion is about empathy and understanding.

    Grace for Today

    Self-compassion is a really big topic during this pandemic. With such an extreme disruption of schedule and options, it is natural to lack motivation, feel flustered or anxious, be less productive, and face emotions that maybe wouldn’t be part of your “normal” life. It is easy to criticize yourself for those shifts or feel disappointed…

  • He is who He says He is.

    He is who He says He is

    Last week, we looked at the first half of the phrase, “I am who He says I am because He is who He says He is.”  Today, we are focusing on God. There are dozens of descriptions and statements in the Bible that reveal to us God’s identity, but I decided to stick with I statements. Just…

  • I am who He says I am because He is who He says He is.

    Who We Are

    After posting a few weeks ago that I was struggling with how much I relied on jobs or responsibilities to make me feel valuable and worthy, it was not all that surprising to hear that I wasn’t alone. Many people have difficulty separating who they are and what they do, especially when a talent comes…