• I chose to pretend that I hardly noticed the Holy Spirit’s whisper...

    The Way That He Blew Me Away

    It was a sunny day in early June 2017 when I was walking on my lunch break. I needed a breath of fresh air. My office was in Center City, Philadelphia, which lent for plenty of wandering. As I strolled, I suddenly felt an immense amount of anxiety sweep over me, and I began sobbing.…

  • He did everything that he could to convince me that I was crazy and that he was crazy in love.

    I Should Be Grateful That he’s Chosen me.

    When I decided to get married, I felt more confused than I felt in love. Some people around me were much more convinced that he was the perfect mate than I was. I feel so embarrassed to admit that. We had known each other for 5 years, 1 of which I refused to speak to…

  • Allowing my emotions to run wild wasn't working.

    My Process and My Progress

    I was listening to a talk on relationships a few days ago and an idea really stuck out to me. A question was asked about couples surviving quarantine and a beautiful answer was given about making a decision to pivot. You always have the ability to say, “this isn’t working how we’re doing it, so…

  • My past is entangling my future.

    Robbing Today Because I Didn’t Look Back at Yesterday

    After I wrote the posts for this week, I realized that I shared something similar a few weeks ago in this post and the related growth post. It is a topic weighing heavily on me right now, so I decided to move forward today. I promise that I am sharing new information even though the…

  • no penalty on this earth will ever remedy this pain

    Taken Captive by Justice

    For the past few months, I have felt fixated on being vindicated. I’ve realized through a broken, hurting heart desperate for justice that my demand is actually for revenge, retaliation, retribution. I have been trying to reconcile an uncanny desire for punishment. I want to feel like my pain has consequence. I’ve gone through a…