Gratitude is so much more than giving thanks

Practicing Gratitude

I love to practice gratitude. Like I said in my last post, it is so much more than giving thanks. It begins with a shift in you that you then get to share with others. It is action and emotion. It is experience and expression. It is personal and relational. Here are some of my favorite ways to cultivate gratitude in my life and spread it all around.

Smiling – I know it’s hard right now if you are in a place where you have to wear a mask (I feel so uncomfortable checking out at the grocery store and not being able to flash a smile), but it is one of the easiest acts of gratitude. It sounds silly, but the world around you really does change when you have a smile on your face. Smiles are contagious and make friends quickly. Work on making a smile the constant posture of your mouth!

Thankfulness – saying thank you is a start, but this is all about learning to recognize the valuable things in your life. I don’t mean expensive, I mean the visible and invisible things that makeup who you are and what you have around you. My favorite tradition is to never leave a prayer without thanking God. Writing a list in a journal, sharing with your family around the dinner table, and using social media to highlight something or someone special are all good choices.

Handwritten notes – whether it be a card sent in the mail, a post-it stuck to your neighbor’s door, marker scribbled on the mirror, a jar full of little love notes, a sweet sign hung in the window, or a message written in sidewalk chalk, kind words never fail.

Of course, using technology doesn’t diminish the value of your words, as long as they are from the heart. Texts, emails, voice, and video messages all make great ways to tell others that you care.

Food – even better if it has a note attached! But seriously, making someone a meal, having a delivery made, sending treats in the mail, and eventually being able to eat around a table together are great for showing gratitude.

Art and creativity – personalized or not, sharing your creations can be so special for the people around you. Maybe it’s a song you wrote or one you handpicked to play, a painting, a custom drawing, a dance routine, a gift you sewed, a bouquet of flowers you arranged, a poem you wrote, a photograph that captured beauty, and on and on. When your hands are on it, it is worthy to be shared.

Financial blessings – gratitude cannot be bought but it can be spread through monetary generosity. No matter the amount, anonymous or not, giving to others can be uplifting for the giver and the receiver.

Speaking life – words matter at all times. Compliments and using manners are great beginnings but speaking life is about the constant flow from your mouth. Reframe everything that you say to reflect honor, value, kindness, thankfulness, and hope. Positive words can be your greatest gift of gratitude to the world.

These are just some of my ideas. Leave a comment with your favorite ways to practice gratitude.

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Gratitude is so much more than giving thanks

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